Saturday, December 28, 2019

Cognition Essay - 1552 Words

Cognition What is cognition? It is the general term given for mental activities. In cognitive psychology, it is the study of higher mental processes; memory, attention, language, reasoning etc. in contrast to behaviourists; cognitive psychologists are more ready to posit mechanisms and processes that are not directly observable, such as memory stores and switches of attention. Cognitive research includes several different facets of mental life, such as the use of imagery in representation, processes of decision making and problem solving and reasoning. A First Course in Psychology, Nicky Haynes, 3rd edition, Harrap Ltd, London, Page 202. Cognition is all to do with the memory. The memory is the ability to access information†¦show more content†¦This involves applying our knowledge of the world around us as well as other cognitive processes. Perception is a continuous cycle, in which what we expect to see affects what we look for and vice versa. „ « Storage: Information received is simply held in preparation for some future occasion. As we are storing this information in our sub conscious, it is referred to as long term memory (LTM). The information is stored here ready to be recalled later. LTM holds a vast quantity of information and can be stored for long periods of time. The information kept in our LTM is diverse and wide ranging and it includes all of our personal memories, general knowledge and our beliefs of the world. It also holds our plans for the future and it is the depository for all our knowledge on skills and expertise. Research suggests that we often use semantic categories to help us in our LTM and that visual imagery provides another method. Psychology at AS Level, Cardwell, Clarke Meldrum, 2nd edition, Harper Collins Ltd 2000, London, Page 6. Researchers have found that LTM had distinctive characteristics. Tulving (1972) made a distinction between episodic and semantic memory. Episodic being the memory for facts, events and episodes, whereas semantic being the how to memory - how to catch a train, how to understand the person talking toShow MoreRelatedMeta-Cognition and Social Cognition598 Words   |  3 PagesMeta-Cognition and Social Cognition Amy L Walker Grand Canyon University: PSY-354 September 27, 2015 Meta-cognition and social cognition both influence interpersonal behaviors by using knowledge, personal beliefs, and views and beliefs of others around us. Meta-cognition is how we view our own self and process to create the best me that we can be. Social cognition is what we perceive about others around and how it affects how we view ourselves and others. 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