Monday, November 18, 2019

Khaled Mashal; The Hamas Leader Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Khaled Mashal; The Hamas Leader - Essay Example The domestic or local basis of power for Khaled Mashal is the people who support the establishment of the Palestine state and containment of Israel as per the pre-1967 border. Khaled Mashal is one of the most powerful leaders in the organization. Also, most of the middle-East countries support his cause and methods except Jordan that challenges his policies. The main adversaries of Khaled Mashal are the Israeli  leadership,  including the Prime Minister  Benjamin  Netanyahu,  who ordered his assassination in 1997.   Although the US primarily wants peace in the region, still the US is  wary  about dealing with Khaled  Mashal,  whom they consider as an extremist. Nonetheless, they are willing to negotiate with him as he is one  of the influential  leaders. The political negotiations however are not progressing smoothly for Khaled Mashal, as Israel is adamant about its position.   The international power base of Khaled Mashal is completely dependent on the support of various Middle Eastern countries. If there is some change in political opinions of these countries, it may put pressure on Khaled Mashal. Although, Khaled Mashal is cautious about the intentions of the European Union or US, as they may cause hindrance to his policies by  pressuring  Iran or  Saudi Arabia,  the main supporters. As per Khaled  Mashal,  he supports the border lines of pre-1967 between Israel, Gaza and West Bank. In addition to that, he wants a substantial amount of administrative right over the city of Jerusalem for complete peace.   Khaled  Mashal  supports the  establishment of Palestine as the sovereign  state, including all political  rights,  including the control over air space and coastlines, so that they are not dependent on Israel for issues related to logistics, transport and travel.  Khaled Mashal is not completely in favour of demilitarization of Palestine as he supports armed resistance as a part of Palestinian resistance. He rejects the suggestion of Israeli presence at

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